Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Rockin', Rollin' and Runnin' in San Antonio

Picking up our numbers at the Alamodome

This past Sunday was the Rock n' Roll Marathon and 1/2 Marathon in San Antonio that Brad and I successfully finished! It was nice having an organized race to motivate me back into training, but San Antonio was PACKED! Over 30,000 people ran and I think the city of less than a million was overwhelmed. Nonetheless, the riverwalk, Alamo, and other sites were fun to see. I think it'll be worth a trip back sometime. But for now there is training to be done, I'm looking forward to a reunion run with my brothers over Thanksgiving and then it's just about a month and a half until Houston!

Getting Ready to Run!

Yay! We're done!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Just Getting Warmed Up

Pre Raleigh Marathon sibling running uniform

One marathon down another one to go.  The City of Oaks Marathon (Raleigh, NC) was chilly and wet but all three of us made it it to the finish line feeling strong and dare I say ready for the Houston show down in January. 

Soggy but with the "hardware"