Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Rockin', Rollin' and Runnin' in San Antonio

Picking up our numbers at the Alamodome

This past Sunday was the Rock n' Roll Marathon and 1/2 Marathon in San Antonio that Brad and I successfully finished! It was nice having an organized race to motivate me back into training, but San Antonio was PACKED! Over 30,000 people ran and I think the city of less than a million was overwhelmed. Nonetheless, the riverwalk, Alamo, and other sites were fun to see. I think it'll be worth a trip back sometime. But for now there is training to be done, I'm looking forward to a reunion run with my brothers over Thanksgiving and then it's just about a month and a half until Houston!

Getting Ready to Run!

Yay! We're done!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Just Getting Warmed Up

Pre Raleigh Marathon sibling running uniform

One marathon down another one to go.  The City of Oaks Marathon (Raleigh, NC) was chilly and wet but all three of us made it it to the finish line feeling strong and dare I say ready for the Houston show down in January. 

Soggy but with the "hardware" 

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Coach Crowther

This is my friend Greg and myself after completing one of my favorite training loops in Seattle.  Greg is the real deal when it comes to professional running.  He is incredibly humble and a self professed 'slow' marathon runner completing his last 26.2 miles in 'only' under 2.5 hours.  (For comparison, my last marathon was just under 4 hours.)  At a young age, Greg realized that his real gift lay in ultramarathons of 50 miles or more in which he routinely places in the top three.

Over the last several months he's been humoring me on our bimonthly runs around Seattle.  One might imagine the story of the tortise and the hare, but Greg in his graciousness will run one step behind and let me set the pace.  None-the-less, I always feel an added surge of adrenaline knowing we're on the clock as he keeps track of our progress on his stop watch.

I've never been one to keep track of times, much preferring the reward of covering distance and enjoying the natural scenery go by.  Perhaps this is a concession to my lack of raw talent and incompatible height for running of 6 feet 4 inches.  Still, with his clock silently ticking away the seconds, I've come to see the appeal of keeping track of times and striving for personal best's.

Here you see me pointing to my newly acquired Greg-inspired watch having completed our 9.5 miles in a 7:40 minute/mile pace.  As Greg put it, "I'm afraid running might never again be as fun for you!"  But I beg to differ, it's just fun in a new way.

Follow this link to Greg's Blog "My Track Record" to see his own musings on running.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Playing Hooky

I confess:
I will not be running the 3 miles I'm supposed to run today; there, I've said it.

Training has become so ingrained in my daily schedule that missing a run is accompanied by a lot of guilt! Of the roughly 120 days of training I've completed so far, I can say I've probably missed only 2 days of running. To be honest, it's knowing how guilty I feel if I don't run, that gets me out door most days.

But with that being said, today my run is just not going to happen. Between pouring down rain and a trip to Chicago there's just no time! So there you go Internet, I've confessed and I have to say I'm feeling much better :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Hamburgers and Happy Dogs

Only during training can I say "I LOVE MONDAYS," because Monday is a rest day. Don't get me wrong I love the training, but after 17 weeks of a strict running schedule, I definitely appreciate the days when I don't have to run! Not only is it nice to have a break from training but it's also nice to spend time with Brad and the doggies, that's why Mondays have become our date night and dog park night. The doggies also seem to have caught onto the routine, because when I walked in the door tonight they were practically bouncing off the walls! After tiring them out at the dog park, it was time for our romantic date-night of Monday Night Football at our favorite burger place! Between two happy dogs and a sharing a delicious hamburger with Brad while watching football, I couldn't be happier with Monday!

Happy Monday!

Before and After

The preparation: getting psyched for 12 cold miles

The incentive: Hot chocolate

The big pay off: After 12.6 miles or an hour and 57 minutes of running

Sunday, October 18, 2009

wistful mist

9:19 Am.  I just spent some time on Trailguru.com planning a 12 mile route for myself while sitting at my favorite coffee shop.  http://www.joevangogh.com/ourstores/index.html  (The Durham shop is where I'll be having an exhibition of my paintings up for the month of November 2009.  Visit my other blog for a sneak peek.  http://robbdamman.blogspot.com  20% of sale proceeds will be donated to Can Care)  I am looking outside at my parked truck's windshield getting covered with tiny rain drops.  Daunted I think I'll get a re-fill.  Not to worry the 12 miles will get done.  So help me god.  (this often used pledge/prayer/call for strength just made sense to me.  In this context it is particularly fitting, though a bit dramatic.)